Lilly of the valley, on the other hand, is one of those most charming plants, but also one of the most invasive that tends to be a real nuisance when they’ve made themselves at home. Here’s how it’s properly disposed of.
1. Understanding the Plant
Characteristics: Perennial rhizomatous, thereby spreading by underground stoles, which makes it hard to control. It has small, bell-shaped flowers and broad, green leaves.
Growth Habit: It is vigorous and spreads swiftly, forming very dense mats that may crowd out other plant species.
Mechanical Control
Hand Weeding: Wear gloves and uproot the plants using a spade or gardening fork. Ensuring all the root system, including the rhizomes, are eliminated, as the remaining bits will be able to form new plants.
Repeat Frequently: Since lily of the valley spreads from rhizomes, it is very important to inspect the area frequently and remove any new growth or rhizomes that may have been missed.
3. Mulching
Mulch Heavily: The site should be heavily mulched to a depth of at least 3-4 inches. Mulching may also help retard subsequent growth by blocking sunlight and smothering new shoots that are trying to emerge.
Use Landscape Fabric: For intensified effect, you can place landscape fabric under the mulch to add to another layer of protection against regrowth.
4. Herbicide Treatment
Select Your Herbicide: Systemic herbicides are very effective for perennial weeds like nutsedge. The most preferred brand is the use of glyphosate, but due diligence must be observed not to kill the purposeful plants you desire to keep.
Apply Carefully: Depending on the product, use it carefully by following the manufacturer’s instructions to apply it directly to the lily of the valley’s foliage. Do not over-spray and be careful not to damage other plants.
5. Monitor and Maintain
Initial Clean Up: After the first activity, regularly check for new re-growth or missed stands. Deal with re-growth immediately to avoid re-establishment.
Reseed or replant the area with other more desirable plants after you have removed this lily of the valley to your satisfaction, allowing the area to fill up so it does not re-colonize.
Professional Help
Contact a professional, who in turn will engage a professional landscaper or gardener if the area is too infested or is hard to remove. These professionals can supply specialized tools and removal techniques.
In a nutshell, follow these measures and stay at it, and you will effectively get rid of lily of the valley in your garden or landscape.