How do you get started on a meaningful conversation when you go to a networking event with a person whom you’ve never met?
A simple “How are you?” doesn’t usually do the trick in having interesting and engaging conversation.
It’s not just about strangers, though—this is quite true of discussions with friends and family, too. Checking in is fine, but what percentage of the time do those types of conversations end up really being meaningful?
One college student, Kalina Silverman, tackled this with a project called BIG TALK. Her aim was to really connect with new people, moving beyond small talk. She did this by approaching strangers and asking this question: “What do you want to do before you die?
Ice Breakers
What’s something exciting you’re looking forward to?
Have you read or watched anything interesting lately?
What’s one thing you’re passionate about right now?
What’s a recent accomplishment you’re proud of?
What’s a new hobby you’ve picked up recently?
Personal Interests
What’s a place you’d love to visit and why?
Do you have a favorite book or movie that you always recommend?
What is your favorite comfort food?
What is something you’d like to learn to do or get better at doing?
What is one of your favorite songs?
Daily Life
What is the best part of your day so far?
What did you have for breakfast this morning?
What do you like to do on weekends?
What is one thing that made you smile today?
What’s one thing you’re working on?
Memories and Experiences
What is one of your favorite trips you’ve ever taken?
Do you have a favorite memory from your childhood?
What’s a funny story from your past?
Has a famous person ever met you? What was this like?
What is a family tradition that you particularly value?
Thoughts and
Opinions What is one thing you could talk for hours about?
What is something you wish more people understood?
What is something that you feel strongly about?
What opinion do you have which differs from that of most people?
What has been the most recent life lesson you’ve learned? Aspirations and Goals What
personal goal are you striving towards?
What’s something you hope to accomplish in the next year?
What’s a dream you have for the future?
What’s a project or idea you’re working on that you’re pretty excited about?
If you could learn anything new, what would it be?
People and Relationships
Who’s someone you admire and why?
What’s a quality you value in your friends?
Who do you turn to when you need advice?
What’s something you’ve learned from someone close to you?
What’s something someone told you that really stuck?
Fun and Creativity What do you like to do to relax at the end of a long day ?
What creative project have you?
been working on, or what creative project would you like to start?
What game or activity do you enjoy doing with friends or family? What is something funny or
interesting about you?
What is one of your favorite recent memories from an event or celebration?
Reflection and Self-Discovery What is something you learned
about yourself recently?
What is something you have overcome recently?
What is something you are actually really thankful for today?
What is the biggest mistake you have made, and what did you learn from it?
What is something you changed recently in your life?
Engagement and Interactions
What is something interesting you talked to someone about recently?
What, in your opinion, is something that more people should be discussing?
What is a subject you are interested in learning more about?
What are some memorable quotes or sayings that motivate you?
What’s one of your favorite fun facts/trivias that you like sharing with people?
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